ATP's Discord TOS

Discord ToS
Discord Community Guidelines


Company: The Collection of the ATP Database, AT Products, Ethical Hacking Society, CodingHome, and The Script Community (commonly referred to as "We", "Us", "Our")

You: You refers to the individual accessing or using the Website, Service, or the company or any other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using any Discord Server, Website, File (including code), and access to any other services by/owned by AT Products.

I: Discord ToS

This section is reserved to the Discord ToS and Discord Community Guidelines, what this paragraph is referring to is the coding/hacking side of the two Discord Documents, please read the two webpages for full Discord Guidelines. The following rules will be enforced: It's required to be 13 and over due to the US Law. You may not commit non-ethical hacking (meaning illegal hacking), which means commiting the acts like, phishing, DDOS, token theft, distribute malware, and other non-ethical hacking techniques, which is why the content like that is website-exclusive to us. Also related to coding/ethical hacking, do not distribute or provide access to content that involves hacking, cracking, distribution of stolen goods, pirated content, or accounts.

II: Our Discord Server Rules

This whole section is reserved to our rules to use our Discord servers. Minor violations will be in a mute/warning. Major violations will be in a kick/ban.

We take the Discord TOS seriously and any minor or major violation will result in a permanent ban from any AT Products servers, but not services.

If homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist (or feminism), or any other phobic, will not tolerated, and will receive disciplinary action. If already known to have any phobics, will be banned before hand. If you fail to comply to our rules, you will be banned.

Raiding will be taken seriously since it violates Discord TOS (also in exploits), and your whole server/anyone involved will be permanently banned from any AT Products servers and services.

Evading a ban may result in a IP termination and will never get to appeal. Any alternative accounts is prohibited if you are banned.

NSFW does matter in some servers. If there isn’t a NSFW channel, don’t post any NSFW at all. If there is a NSFW channel or more, post NSFW there. NSFW could apply to pornography only, as gore, child porn, and bestiality is completely prohibited as it is against the US law. 18 is the age of consent in the US and will apply to any AT Products services, no matter what country you’re in and what the age of consent there (because it’s younger and we don’t want to promote that).

If you’re known as something that’s unlawful, such as bestiality, or a pedophile, will be banned or will even be banned before-hand if it does spread around.

Any hackers that threaten AT Products or it’s affiliates will be banned from all servers and services. If already known as a hacker, will be banned before-hand for our safety.

II: Acceptance

Upon visiting any of websites, or servers, You signify your agreement to the following TOS. In the circumstance You violate any section of the TOS, We reserve the right to revoke Your privileges and ability to use the server and services we provide.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these TOS at any time. If a revision has a sufficient effect to you, we will make efforts to provide at least a 30 days' notice prior to any new Terms taking effect. A sufficient revision is determined at Our sole discretion.

® AT Products 2019-2022